NCBA RWANDA Awarded Gold Certification in Gender Equality

On the 31st March 2023, NCBA was recognized by the Government of Rwanda’s Office of the Prime Minister’s Gender Monitoring Office (GMO), for its exemplary commitment to gender equality. The bank received the highest award by the organization, The Gold Seal medal and was the 5th bank to receive the award in Rwanda.
7 areas of our HR policy were assessed and received an overall high score of 81.6%. The areas assessed were; (1) Gender equality organizational management; (2) Remuneration; (3) Professional Development and Performance; (4) Work-life balance; (5) Recruitment, selection and hiring; (6) Prevention of and response to sexual harassment and gender-based violence in the workplace and (7) Inclusive and non-sexist communication.
Areas of Recognition
- NCBAR gender equality committee.
- 14 days of paternity leave.
- 2-month post-maternity leave flexi-time.
- Mothers Room.
- Gender-based communities i.e. WINRS (Women In NCBA Rwanda) and MEN-TORS (MEN – Trusted, Open, Responsible and Smart).
- Employee Assistance Program i.e. Mental Wellness Services.
- Learning and Development programs.
- 18 women and 11 men promoted in 2021 -2022.